Celebrating the Return of Street Performers at Byron Markets

A message to the community from street performer The Space Cowboy.

May 30, 2023
Kate Love
Celebrating the Return of Street Performers at Byron Markets
For over 20 years, The Space Cowboy has wowed audiences around the world with mind-bending stunts and awe-inspiring performances and now, he's bringing his extraordinary talent back to where it all began - the Byron Community Market!

Dear Byron Bay community,

I am writing to express my utmost gratitude and excitement for the recent changes in our local markets that are breathing new life into the street performing scene. As someone who has had the privilege of pursuing a successful career in the performing arts, I am deeply aware that this achievement would not have been possible without the opportunities that the local markets provided me.

Picture an 8-year-old wide eyed child, filled with dreams and aspirations, stepping onto the makeshift stage amidst the vibrant market stalls. It was here, in the heart of our community, that my own journey as a performer took flight. Inspired by the awe-inspiring acts that graced those bustling stalls, I was ignited with a passion for the performing arts that still burns brightly within me today.

Those humble beginnings at the Byron Markets were instrumental in shaping the artist I have become. I owe a debt of gratitude to the supportive community and the opportunities I had as a young performer. Without those formative experiences, I wouldn't have honed my skills, found my voice or developed the confidence to pursue a career in the world of entertainment.

In my own career, I have been fortunate enough to traverse stages around the world, breaking 56 Guinness World Records, hosting a Guinness World Record show, and performing in circus big tops, prestigious theatres like the Sydney Opera House, and even stadiums with 30,000 cheering spectators. Each step of this incredible journey was fuelled by the experiences and opportunities I had as a young performer in our local markets.

In recent years, I witnessed the unfortunate restrictions due to COVID placed on buskers who gathered crowds at the markets. The focus seemed to shift towards adding more stalls rather than prioritising the artistry and energy that street performers bring. This limited the space for creativity and the ability to captivate larger audiences, hindering the growth and potential of aspiring performers.

I am thrilled to share my immense gratitude that our local markets are now not only inviting street performers back, but also encouraging them to attract large crowds once again. This change is truly a game-changer, as it recognises the importance of nurturing creativity and providing a platform for young talent to flourish. Our beloved Byron Bay has long been celebrated as a creative hub, and it is imperative that our markets reflect and amplify this reputation.

Byron Bay's vibrant and artistic atmosphere serves as a breeding ground for inspiration and innovation. By providing the space and encouragement for street performers to showcase their talents and captivate audiences, we are investing in the growth and development of our youth and aspiring performers. These opportunities pave the way for the next generation of artists to embrace their passions, develop their skills and make their mark on the world.

I wholeheartedly support these changes in our local markets and commend their commitment to nurturing creativity. Let us continue to celebrate and uplift the street performing community, embracing their vibrant energy and infectious enthusiasm. Together, we can ensure that our markets remain vibrant, inclusive and inspiring for both residents and visitors alike.

With gratitude and anticipation for a brighter artistic future,

Chayne Hultgren (AKA: The Space Cowboy)

A Grateful Performer and Advocate for Street Arts

Byron Markets is a social enterprise managed by the Byron Community Centre and supports community services and programs including our homeless hub Fletcher Street Cottage.