Breaking Free: A Survivor's Journey from Domestic Violence to Renewed Hope

I can truly say that Fletcher Street Cottage saved my life.

Breaking Free: A Survivor's Journey from Domestic Violence to Renewed Hope

There are no words to describe how much Fletcher Street Cottage has helped me. You fed me when I didn’t have any money to buy food. You dressed me after my clothes were destroyed by my boyfriend. He was bullying me mentally and physically, and kicked me out of the house with nothing in the middle of the night.

I didn’t have any money for medicine or a doctor. You helped me get medical care through the GP at the cottage and to get access to medication.

You offered a hot shower, tea and coffee, and an excellent breakfast. The cottage is a place where I can wash and dry my clothes. But above all, you provide mental health support from good people. The staff helped me to feel that this is just a short moment in my life, that it will pass and I am not alone in this.

I can truly say that Fletcher Street Cottage saved my life, because the whole team gave me support when I felt the worst in my life and I was very vulnerable.

I can truly say that Fletcher Street Cottage saved my life, because the whole team gave me support when I felt the worst in my life and I was very vulnerable. You helped me find temporary accommodation and showed me that my life is important.

You helped me to think about my future, and realise that everything will be fine, and that I will be able to go back to my home and have a better life eventually, because I am stronger now after this experience.

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