Celebrating Byron Markets: A Year of Support and Innovation

In 2023, Byron Markets showcased support for local talent and charities, fostering community and economic growth.

November 14, 2023
Amanda Kuhn
Celebrating Byron Markets: A Year of Support and Innovation

As we close off 2023, the Byron Markets have again demonstrated their commitment to supporting local entrepreneurs, artists, and musicians in our local community. 

The Byron Markets are more than just markets - they are a hub of inspiration and innovation. We have a longstanding tradition of favouring sellers skilled in crafting, baking, sewing, and growing. These markets provide a unique platform where our artisans and creators can showcase their talents, nurturing a dynamic community and contributing significantly to our local economy.

Kate Hardman, FY23 Markets Manager, comments, “Running since 1987, the monthly Byron Community Market relocating to the Town Centre is one of the biggest changes this market has experienced in decades. This move brings the vibrancy and atmosphere of the bustling market scene right into our beautiful town centre and shares the business it brings with the local shops. It’s wonderful to see Byron locals and tourists enjoying the new location and the festive vibe”.

We paid over $32,000 to local musicians through Market Stage.

We proudly invested over $32,000 in our local musicians, highlighting the incredible range of talent from solo acts to bands. Musicians not only have the chance to perform for an enthusiastic audience at our outdoor markets but also benefit from extensive promotion across our own social platforms, helping them grow their fan base. 

Our markets remain a vibrant launchpad for both emerging and established artists, offering a unique stage for increased visibility within our lively outdoor settings.

We raised an impressive $5,767 for local charities through Charity Raise.

Our philanthropic efforts resulted in an impressive $5,767 raised for local charities through our Charity Raise initiative.

At Charity Raise, we offer a platform to amplify awareness and garner funds for selected local charities, allowing them to connect with a broad audience of both locals and visitors. Attendees at our markets, drawn from near and far to explore our region's unique arts and crafts, can contribute to these causes by participating in our bucket-shaking activities. 

We supported over 500 local businesses.

We proudly supported over 500 local businesses from across the Byron Shire and Northern Rivers. Byron Markets is a dynamic platform that supports artisans, importers, and creators while nurturing a vibrant local community and economy. Serving as a showcase for these businesses, our markets offer a unique and enjoyable experience for tourists while promoting and fostering local commerce and community engagement.

The Stallholder Committee thrived.

One remarkable aspect of the Byron Markets is our collaborative approach with the formation of the Stallholder Committee. This commitment is composed of a team of volunteer representatives from each market, and they work closely with the Market Management Team to enhance the overall success of our markets. Their insights are invaluable in strengthening relationships and making necessary improvements. 

Our relocation of the Byron Community Market went smoothly.

In a significant development, the Byron Community Market made a successful move to Byron's Town Centre from the Main Beach foreshore in March 2023. This transition followed extensive negotiations with Byron Shire Council and was met with both excitement and challenges. The new site, stretching from Jonson Street to the recently revamped Railway Park, has been popular with stallholders and market goers, offering a vibrant setting.

This 2023 Byron Markets wrap showcases the economic significance of our markets and their pivotal role in fostering community, sustainability, and creativity in the Northern Rivers region. By providing a platform for our local businesses and artists to thrive, our markets continue to drive our region's prosperity and vibrancy. The Byron Markets are a celebration of the spirit of Byron Bay itself. Here's to a bright and creative future in 2024.