A Magical Season for the Twilight Market

A message from our Twilight Manager Greg Curry.

May 2, 2023
Greg Curry
A Magical Season for the Twilight Market

What an epic Twilight season! After having to cancel the first market due to rain, it looked like it may be a repeat of last season's catastrophe, but the weather turned out to be in our favour.

What followed was an unprecedented run of 28 straight Saturday evenings of very memorable Twilight Markets. The crowds were back, the stallholders were back. With a great selection of food and music, it became the place to hang out on a Saturday evening. It was a pleasure to see the grassy area packed with people enjoying the ambience.

All in all, it was a joy to be a part of this season's market. Big thank you to all of the stallholders, it has become somewhat of a family affair. Thanks as well to the various local musicianswho helped to make it a magical experience.