Teeny Tiny Stevies - Twice the Love Tour

The ultimate live gig experience for young families

Event Info

The ultimate live gig experience for young families.

The old feel young, the young feel like grown-ups, and everyone just meets somewhere in the middle for a rocking good time!

Playing all the Teeny Tiny Stevies favourites along with some sparkly new ones from their most recent offering, The Green Album, Byll, Beth and their band create a snug atmosphere with much delight! Even the most serious adults will find themselves singing, laughing and potentially even moving their bodies in a way that resembles… dancing.

Get ready to make some core memories together.

Babies in arms/parent's lap (aged 12 months and under) are admitted free with a full paying adult ticket.

Event Details

4.00 pm - Venue and theatre doors open

4.30 pm - Show starts

5.30 pm - Show ends

5.35 pm - Merch signing in foyer

6.30 pm - Event ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

Host your event at Byron Theatre

We'd love to welcome you to host your next event, show or launch at Byron Theatre. Make an enquiry and our team will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.