Feeding Our Fantastic Markets Musicians

Stallholders at the markets are generously donating meals to our markets musicians.

February 5, 2024
Kristina Oddestad
Feeding Our Fantastic Markets Musicians

The musicians that perform at the Byron Community Market help create an atmosphere and encourage customers to hang about, check out the stalls and grab a bite to eat.

Their set times are long and as an incentive for more great musicians to perform at our market, we have collaborated with a selection of food and drink stallholders to provide a free meal and drink for each musician.

In addition to those stallholders who are already participating in this scheme, we would like to give a big shout out and thanks to the following stallholders who have come on board to help support our musicians:

  • Haps Health Bar
  • Sala Thai
  • Pocket Curries

Each musician receives a drink and food ticket, listing participating vendors, which they can redeem from the stallholder of their choice on that market day. In exchange the stallholders receive a shout out from the musician during their set and acknowledgement in our monthly newsletter.

We always welcome more stallholders to participate and if you would like to be part of this sponsorship for our fantastic market musicians, please email Kristina at marketsadmin@byroncentre.com.au.